Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hodges Dam Race Report

Check out my race report of the Hodges Dam Race on my personal blog:

Quick summary, I got second place in the Pro/Open field, and as this was the Massachusetts State Championship Race I was crowed the Pro/Open Mass. State Champion (it even came with a medal)!

On another note, the team mechanic Nate tuned up my bike a few days before the race, thanks for getting the Epic running fast and smooth dude!


For the last two years I have avoided this race as I have always had some bad luck here. One year I broke a derailleur hanger and another I bonked and yet another I broke a chain, with no chain tool on me. I thought this year would be better, maybe a problem free run considering that I had so many problems so far this year. I was thinking along the lines of the law of averages... It's time for some good races to start. Unfortunately, no such luck.

There are three words that I would use to describe this race rolling, dusty and fun. Off the start we went down a fire road that runs along the dam. There was still some dust hanging in the air from the Pro class that went off before us. Every one was battling for position, and it felt like a road race and I was trapped in a dusty peloton. I was sitting about 5th and started picking people off since I was feeling good. I felt like I was at an advantage since I like the bermed out corners and rolling hills since I love to push it through the corners. I found the first and second place riders and sat on their wheel for a little bit. Through a section of new single track I misplaced my front wheel and ended up going over the bars. Nothing broke and only my quad was a little sore but I lost about 45 seconds. I was not too pleased with that performance in the corner considering I have no idea what grabbed my wheel. I finally made it back up to the first and second place riders and passed them on a very steep technical climb. Smooth sailing from here... hopefully.

I was watching behind me on the switchbacks and the couple of places that the trail doubled back to see where people were. I was slowly pulling away on the second and third lap. Half way through the fourth lap in the same set of amazing singletrack that I crashed in before, I had another lapse in concentration. There were two logs down, and I hopped the first one with no problem, but my front tire caught something and I was not able to pull it up as well over the second. I pushed the bike out in front of me to avoid flipping over the bars, even though I was not in any danger. I guess it is a good habit to have though. As I pushed forward both of my quads locked up on me. I almost was hit from behind, and I waddled over to the edge of the trail. All I could do is stand there, rub my quads and hope that my muscles were not going to tear off the bone. It was one of the, if not the worst pain I have ever been in. I knew if I could get on my bike and keep a high cadence I would be all set, but second place found me and passed me. I was able to get on my bike and keep pedaling to the end, trying to limit my losses. Overall I was very happy with my performance until half way through the last lap. I was able to keep second overall and win the second place Massachusetts State Championship. We'll just have to see how the Norcross Scurry goes...

Thumbs up to the Comp Edge Racing Team presented by the Pioneer Valley's best bike shop, COMPETITIVE EDGE!

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